Sunday, January 28, 2007

Meme taggery

Juice tagged me for a the meme that's currently running rampant around the library blogs. I'm going to answer it, but I'm not going to bother tagging anyone else since I'm pretty sure everyone else in the world with a library blog has already answered it. That, and I'm pretty lazy. But feel free to answer it yourself it you're into the whole meme scene.

I'm meant to tell you all 5 things my blog readers don't know about me. This is tricky as some of my blog readers know me *in real life*, so I don't want to be divulging any messy secrets....

1. I love shopping at the Queen Victoria Market but I can't do it every week because I would spend all my money in the deli section. Last time I went, I came home and had a lunch of marinated octopus, Polish sausage and some olives. Apparently this isn't a healthy diet.

2. I get enormous satisfaction when the computers go down at work and I can't do anything for anyone. Although I am always outwardly apologetic for the computers, I'm secretly laughing when I say "I'm sorry, I really can't look that up for you. No, I can't do that either."

3. My TV isn't connected to the TV aerial, it's only connected to a DVD player. But we do have a cable so we can attach it when Eurovision is on - literally the only thing we watch on TV all year.

4. I am very bad at recommending books to patrons since the only fiction I read is junky crime novels. I am, however, very good at recommending to uni students which edition of Foucault's Discipline and punish is the best. I can also heartily recommend Allan Bloom's translation of Plato's The Republic.

5. Continuing on the book theme, I've read *all* of Agatha Christie's crime novels at least 3 times each and I almost always forget their endings. I think this is a good thing because it means I can read them again and again and still be surprised when the criminal is revealed.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Words to live by

Don't let faux Klingons send real Americans to war.

Uhhh, yeah. And keep those Romulans out, too!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Thankyou so much to the person who chucked a beer bottle at my train coming home tonight - it shattered the glass in the door (luckily no-one was standing in the door at the time), causing the driver to stop at Windsor station and make everyone get out because apparently they're not allowed to drive trains with busted doors or windows, or with shattered glass all over the floor of the train.

Then, thankyou particularly to Connex for cancelling the next train (10 mins later), meaning we had to wait for 20 mins for our train to arrive, which of course was absolutely packed by this stage and was not air conditioned.

Oh, did I mention it was 36 today? Thanks.