Sunday, July 09, 2006

Train etiquette, part 2

"Congratulations on making the smart choice - travelling Connex"

This message is occasionally flashed up on the signs at the end of train carriages, which normally display information about which station we are approaching. This notice really irritates me because it creates the illusion that I have choice about my public transport and that there are multiple companies I can choose from to fulfil my public transport needs. The truth of the matter is, of course, that Connex now owns all of the metropolitan Melbourne train lines, so if I want to catch the train into the city, I have no choice BUT to use Connex. So my choice definitely isn't a choice - and I would say isn't even a choice, since there are no alternatives.

I deem this a train etiquette issue because it shows just how much contempt Connex has for its customers - it knows there are no alternatives and that it can do whatever it likes (cancel or reroute trains, ALWAYS running late) and people still have to use it to get to work because there is no alternative.